Friday, October 26, 2007

Discontinued Blacet Modules

Had this cool idea, so spent some time writing up a "closeup" look at all the different modules that have been discontinued from production at Blacet Research.

Posted it at my forum so that it's easy to have a discussion if anyone wants. I'll keep the thread updated with info on any future modules that are killed off over at Blacet.

Click here to have a look!


Anonymous said...

you can see the order... go back in time...*/

J.w.M. said...

Excellent writeup. I now want a Dark Star Chaos more than ever-- it looks like it would pack tons of functionality into my still-small rig.

Thanks for taking the time to get all of this info copied down.

By the way, how many Dark Stars do you have in your system?

Muff Wiggler said...

thanks! Glad the writeup is useful to some of you guys :) Really appreciate you taking the time to comment.

I've got two Dark Stars - I've got at least two of each Blacet module in my system, and in some cases four, or even more!

Richard said...

how come they stopped making the darkstar chaos? did they run out of the chips? I luckily managed to pick up a used one in cynthia format. I presume they're exactly the same.

muff, have you got the scanner module yet? the overlap function for audio sounds like it could be really interesting

Muff Wiggler said...

Hi Richard - thanks for reading!

Indeed, the Dark Star was discontinued as the supply of the SN76477 chip has dried up. The chip went out of production in the late 80's, and there's just not enough left anymore for production levels.

There are however many very cool and interesting DIY projects around this chip, so if you get your hands on one, you can still do a lot with it!

And yep, I've got two scanners, and two sequential switches. The switches get a lot more use, however I do use the scanners as well - I have one set with some overlap, and the other set with none at all. Awesome modules, in particulr for the price. Gotta love Blacet!

Richard said...

it's the overlap feature on the scanner that most interests me most. have you got time to do a quick sample of how well this works?

Muff Wiggler said...

lemme see what I can do - I just left town for a couple of days, I'll try to remember to do it over the weekend when I get back.

If I haven't posted something on Monday or so, shoot me an email to remind me and I'll do it up!
