Friday, January 23, 2009

Yes We Cat!

Hey sorry for the lack of updates - I know you guys got all your NAMM news, BugModular, Metasonix Euro Modules and ASSMASTER, Volta, all that good shit.

Let's face it - I'm just not here for you guys anymore. :(

The forum has just gone apeshit, in case you haven't noticed. I keep promising to get back to the blog but it's tough, you know? Three kids, my job is extremely extremely extremely busy currently, the forum, I'm trying to finish my crappy little album. I've never even posted about my Innerclock Systems Sync-Shift that I got many many months ago, and which continues to BLOW MY MIND with the fun I'm having. Or BugModular - woah! BUGMODULAR! Did you know I ordered a Wiard 300 system? You didn't? No....because this blog doesn't get updated.

This poor blog.

Sorry guys! Check the forum, really. It rocks there. Sign up. Have fun.

I'll be back here as soon as I can.

Oh and hey USA, congrats!! Wow.


catsynth said...

Hey, I haven't visited in a little while - but was happy to be greeted by this poster.

Yes we cat!

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