Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Birthday!

So this blog turns one year old today! Amazing to look back at the posts, and see how much stuff I actually wrote.

I originally made a Blogger account simply so that I could comment at Matrixsynth, and didn't have plans to use the blog for much.

Well, it's come a long way! I'm still amazed to look at Google Analytics and see how many visitors actually drop by, and I'm grateful to each and every one of you. I know that updates sometimes come in flurries, and then we have big dry-spells, and I know the content is sometimes all over the map. Well, regardless, an amazing number of people drop by here to see what's up. I really find this incredible! Thanks to every one of you for making this blog feel like a "success" to me.

You guys really need to get a life, lol. Not as badly as me.

Thanks again, hope next year will be even more fun.

1 comment:

matrix said...

Happy Birthday!

Congrats Muff. Great to see it's still going strong.
